

How To Get In Shape In One Month

Is it possible to get a skinny body in one month? The good answer is... it depends. If you are 40 pounds over your Set Point (Correct Natural Body Weight) then you will certainly need more time. So what kind of results you can expect after one month of dieting?
If you are between your 20 and 40 (or younger) you can actually loss a lot of body weight. Four weeks to get in shape is a very short time. However, this first month of any diet will give you the fastest and biggest results ever.
Here is how your weight loss may look like if you are on low carbohydrate (glucose low) diet. Just have a look below:
- In a first week, you will lose a lot of body water and glycogen (up to 75%). Depending on your weight and body composition it should be around 1,5 to 3,0 kg of your body weight. Bay the way, this water loss effect is a core point of all seven days diets and other similar "gimmicks". In fact, you don't need any diet to get rid of body water and glycogen. You can simply cut down on carbohydrates and watch your weight falling down.
Mentioned Water loss, NOT fat loss! It is what makes a first week of any weight loss program the easiest one in terms of weight loss. When water and glycogen are gone, your body will finally start to burning body fat.
- In second week of your "month to get in shape" weight loss program you will start burning fat. Because of low glycogen level (kind of intramuscular "starch" developed from dietary carbohydrates) your organism will turn to another source of energy, concentrations of body FAT. Next benefit of carbohydrate restriction is an improvement in your hormonal system. By cutting on carbohydrates you will keep your blood glucose low. Low level of glucose mean less insulin released by your organism (insulin is necessary for proper glucose utilization).
And finally the most important point... the less insulin is in your system the more GLUCAGON your body can use (Glucagon, not Glycogen!).
Glucagon is a body hormone responsible for decomposition (utilization) of tissues, and body fat is highly reactive to actions of this hormone. Glucagon is probably one of the strongest natural fat burners your body has. That's why a proper diet is everything when it comes to weight loss. And yes, even if you have four weeks to get in shape you can lose a lot of weight.
- In a third week, your fat loss should speed up a little. After your hormonal system got adapted to a new situation it should burn body fat more efficiently. Your appetite for sweets and junk foods should decrease also. Of course you still may feel hungry and even weak but after one month those negative symptoms should be gone forever.
- Fourth week is a continuation of previous one. You probably will feel more energetic and "lighter". Now is a good time to start thinking about exercises. I highly recommend running or jogging. Of course there are two very important conditions you must realize before you start. Firstly, if you have an even smallest problem with your knees DON'T run! And secondly, if you are heavily overweight don't run also (fast walking will be much better for you).
If you can't run or jog, try swimming. Swimming will save your joints and will move every force in your body.
Remember, that proper weight loss plan comes first.
If you are like a majority of people, after four weeks you should have lost between 14 and 20 pounds of body weight. These results are quite good but not optimal. You are able to loss many more pounds if you have an individual weight loss plan designed particularly for your organism.
By easy restriction of carbohydrates, you can actually loss a good few pounds of body weight without even thinking about dieting! Trust me, give it a go, and you will be more than happy. Cut down on pasta, rice, potatoes, chips, pancakes, sweets, sweet fizzy drinks (especially Coke...Yes Even Diet Coke!), bread and sweet fruit juices. Instead eat more non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, tomatoes, spinach, lettuce and beans. After 2, 4 weeks, you will get better shape and mood. Just try it.


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